Monday, January 28, 2013

The Last Echo (Body Finder #3) - Kimberly Derting

Review: The Last Echo
Author: Kimberly Derting
Rating: 5/5
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Recommend To: People who love morbid mysteries and romance

I love this series like a chocaholic loves chocolate. That’s a terrible comparison, but it’s true. The suspense and the romance put together make it absolutely impossible to put down.

The Plot: 

In this book (it’s the third in the series) Violet has begun working with Sara Priest’s team to help find killers with her gruesome ability. She finds dead bodies by a pull towards and a certain sensory feeling around them (a sound, smell, taste, etc.) These are what she calls echoes, and an identical imprint is left on the killer of the person (this is how she can track the killer, not just the bodies). Then comes our serial killer, the Girlfriend Collector who is absolutely beyond disturbing and he has got Violet in his sights. Of course we have Jay (the best part of the whole series haha) and Rafe, who Violet can’t but help feel a slight attraction towards (not okay). 

The Characters: 

Violet: The main character obviously has a fascinating and frightening ability to find the dead, but I think she has handled it well. Well, usually. She is brave and intelligent, qualities she is forced to use time and time again to get out of dangerous situations. I sometimes wish (like we all do) that characters don’t insist on keeping secrets from adults and people that could help . She makes me feel frustrated sometimes, but it’s okay because it is impossible not to root for her against impossible odds. She is awesome. 

Jay: *Ahem*, where the heck do I start with this boy? He is caring, thoughtful, selfless, and so, so, so sexy. Really, the parts of the book that included him and Violet gave me shivers (of happiness, not the shivers you get from the creeper). He really is so perfect, always concerned about Violet, frustrated that he can’t help her, and so trusting. I almost wanted him to get up and punch Rafe across the face (he didn’t), but it’s okay. I still wish we had more of him in this book though, too much Rafe. 

Rafe: Eh, I am sure some out there like him, but I will always be a die-hard Jay fan. Rafe saves Violet’s life a bunch of times, turns out he loves her (like we didn’t see that one coming), and you know, he has an ability like Violet’s. He is shrouded in mysteries and secrets which drives me nuts (why does he have to be so dangsecretive?), but he’s a good guy, also willing to do anything for Violet. 

The Collector: Umm can anyone say creepy? Like wow, is this guy messed up. The little snippets we get into his head just made me want to cower or soothe him (how crazy is that?) But he needs to be stopped no matter what and Violet is just the person to do it. 

Sara Priest: Also very secretive (hint, hint), helps Violet find her place on the team. She’s a pretty kick-butt lady. 

Vi’s friends and the Team: I love all of them. They are so funny and good supporting characters. I want more!

The Romance: 

Oh my god. How can I get this point across? THE ROMANCE IS SMOULDERING. It’s undeniably awesome. The first two books are all her and Jay (which I loved, especially the first), while this one has some Rafe thrown I there (I am not ashamed to admit I don’t like him at all ). Anyway, the moments between Jay and Violet, and just how perfect they are together is amazing. This is one of those love triangles I know exactly who needs to win. I wish there was a Jay in real life. I would marry him (again not ashamed). 

The Style: 

Next to last, the style is amazing. Whenever she dunks us into the Collector’s head you feel completely there. And very, very scared. It’s so suspenseful and at times I almost fell off my chair (or I would have if I was sitting on one). It’s is (I repeat)impossible to put down and if you don’t want your day to flash by you or you have important things to do, wait to read it because you will forget everything. 


One of my favorite series ever, and I wish I could recommend it to everyone. Unfortunately, I know a lot of wussies who refuse to read it because it’s scary. So yeah, don’t read it if your bladder scares easily. But all in all, one of my favorite books and series’ ever. If you want to know why, see above review. 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Mark of the Princess (Kingdom Chronicles #1) - B.C. Morin

Review: Mark of the Princess
Author: B.C. Morin
Rating: 4/5
Genre: High Fantasy
Recommend To: faerie buffs and fantasy lovers

Wow. I really, really, enjoyed this book. I’ve been reading bunches of dystopia lately, so it was great to read some pure, unadulterated fantasy. The characters were great, the plot was awesome, and the romance just got better as it progressed. There were a few issues here and there, but hey, when it’s good, it’s good. 

The Plot: 

Now this was unusual in a number of ways. So we’ve got the fierce Princess Alannah, who hates being cooped up and is constantly trying to avoid her bodyguards; her adopted, lovable sister, Evyette, who is shrouded in mysteries from her past; a prince, Kaleb, in love with Alannah who reciprocates his love…for a while; Tristan, his best friend, an adorable jokester you can’t help but love; and Brennus, the dark mysterious fae who helped Alannah, and who can’t possibly havefeelings for her could he? Add in an evil fae, Maligo, intent on getting revenge on the faeries who shunned him by releasing a demon army the story is just getting started. It’s complicated, but at the same time absurdly simple. 

The Characters: 

It’s hard to say if they were unbelievably fascinating, but they were incredibly enjoyable to read about. Each one was special in their own way, and each was equally lovable. Alannah is so independent, Evyette is so sweet and good, Kaleb is so protective and caring, Tristan is so amusing and also protective (of Evyette), and Brennus….Brennus is just Brennus. He is the epitome of dark, tall, and handsome. Can’t help but love each of them. I just wish there had been a little more on Maligo. Just a wee bit. I like to love and hate the villains at the same time, and in this….I did neither. He was just the bad guy, and for me he came off a little flat. Just a guy with a crow intent on ruining the world (haha). 

The Romance: 

This was one aspect I couldn’t let go of the book for. I’ll start with Evyette and Tristan because that’s easier. They were just so adorable! My goodness, every time they were even near each other made me smile like a crazy person. It was just so cute and innocent. Truly. Then with Alannah there was a whole trianglish thing going on, but well, we all know who she truly belongs with (*cough, cough, Brennus*). Kaleb was cute when it came to Alannah, and even I got jealous when Alessa came into the picture, but it’s really too bad because she belongs with Brennus, who can’t help but be spicy. Now I just wish Alannah can get a move on and figure it out. I hate the undecisive love triangles. 

The Style: 

I had problems here. I know it’s a self-published book, and so it can’t be held up to the highest standards, but the writing was just a little choppy. It sounded like incredibly formal, like Kings and Queens with a stilted speech pattern, one second, and the next it sounds like a teenager in the 21st century going “whatever” and “alright”. It was a little strange. I do wish the dialogue had been better. It was definitely neutralized by the plot and characters though. 


Huge fun to read. Pure fantasy fun, with entertaining, enchanting characters, lots of romance, and adventure. It leaves you wanting more, and to read more of Alannah’s story, and so I do recommend

Friday, January 25, 2013

Cinder (Lunar Chronicles #1) - Marissa Meyer

Review: Cinder
Author: Marissa Meyer
Rating: 5/5
Genre: Hmm....fantasy, dytopia, sci-fi, retelling?
Recommend To: People who want to live

HOLY MOLY. This book was just amazing. I still can’t shake this crazy world full of cyborgs and Lunars….and LUNAR CYBORGS (yep, both mixed together). Plus it had Kai. And Cinderella. 

The Plot: 

Cinder is an orphan, with an evil stepmother and two overprivaleged stepsisters (surprise! One of them actually isn’t evil, just spoiled). She is a cyborg, so she’s half technology half person. So cool, and very futuristic. Plus she has a lie detector. I seriously want one. Who doesn’t? Anyway, mixed in with all this are a plague, and a society on the Moon headed by an evil queen with an evil agenda who can control minds . And of course this all has something to do with Cinder, the future version of Cinderella. Original much? Of course, this book is so amazing and intense, it would have little girls crying for their mommies. It’s is definitely not the regular take on a fairytale. Except for Prince Kai, yum. Oh and also, it’s incredible how this actually isn’t taking place in America, it’s New China. That gives it an extra super awesome flavor. 

The Characters: 

Cinder is super independent, or at least she wishes she could be. Her controlling stepmother is crazy evil, and hates Cinder (pretty much the same as the original.) But, weirdly enough, we have one evil stepsister, and one actually nice one that Cinder loves. Cinder has a past shrouded in mystery, she has no memory of where she came from, or how she became a cyborg. She has no idea who she is (pay attention there, that’s important at the end, although all astute readers can probably guess her identity midway through the book). Kai is the super sexy Prince who somehow ends up at her mechanic’s stall in the market (China remember?) to get his robot fixed for suspicious reasons (lie detector remember?). Anyway, Kai himself is a guy really devoted to duty, being honest, and working hard for his loyal, loving subjects. Yeah, he’s cute. 

The Romance: 

It’s pretty obvious Cinder and Kai fall in love (I mean everyone has read or seen Cinderella right? If not where do you come from?) It’s easy to see it from Cinder’s point of view, trickier from Kai’s. He just wants her at the ball, he never exactly professes his love for her or kisses her (yet). Plus he’s dedicated to doing his duty, so no, he can’t exactly be with her (also notyet). So basically, we see a mutual attraction but nothing that’s been acted on. Waiting on the second one for that. 

The Style: 

The writing was amazing, detailed and ambitious. This book could so easily have been overdone, with too much craziness happening, but it was just perfect, with a balanced mix of sci-fi, fantasy, dystopia, and fairy tale. Who else could have pulled that off? Not many. 


This was an amazing book, so different from any others. However, it has one of the nastiest cliff-hangers ever written. One of those, OMG wait the book just ended or did someone rip the rest of the pages out to make me furious type of cliff-hanger endings. It was crazy unfair. But it’s okay because the rest was just mind-blowing. A need to read with an incredibly, fresh, original plot mixed with characters right out of a fairy tale and some other crazy conspiracies and revelations happening. Seriously. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Reached (Matched #3) - Ally Condie

Review: Reached
Author: Ally Condie
Rating: 4/5
Genre: Dystopa
Recommend To: fans of Delirium

Finished! Wow, the epic Matched trilogy has really ended? Seems so. My heart is still racing actually. As in the last books, the writing is superb, the characters all tug at your heart and the plot is complex and twisted. It’s a real experience.

The Plot: We resume as Cassia, Xander and Ky (all part of the Rising now) come to terms with their new roles, with their belief in the legendary Pilot and as they try to put together all the clues of the Plague, the tablets, and the Otherlands. Of course, we have the usual heartbreak and love triangles but overall the romance didn’t overwhelm the storyline at all. In fact, it gave the story an altogether more melancholy feel. The plot itself was rather up and down especially because we were missing some of the story (especially with the red tablets wreaking havoc in Cassia’s memory) but by the end everything was able to come together even if it was drawn out.

The Characters: Reunited with Cassia, Ky and Xander as well as Indie, Eli, and some new, such as the Pilot and Oker. Each is special and flawed uniquely, with his/her own haunting story. Compared with other dystopian boy meets girl novels, the Matched trilogy is so much more in depth with the backstories and lives of each of the characters. The triple POV helps too, rather than make everything confusing. It helps bring three sides into one story. Cassia and Ky are of course focused on the cure and trying to get back with each other, but there is Xander also, trying to find his place in someone’s heart. Painfully poignant but you are unable to put it down.

The Romance: Like said, it doesn’t affect the story of the three struggling to find a cure and save the ones they love. They have families who they love too, not just a love interest. A love triangle (of course) but well done and resolved beautifully (even though I would have loved to know even more about Laney).

The Writing: This is honestly the best part of the novel. It is a long novel but it doesn’t feel like it because of the wonderful prose and beautiful descriptions. All the stories, poems and pictures serve a wonderful purpose and make Reached a very rich novel. It’s one that shows the struggle the characters  face to make their own choices and leaves a struggle still to be faced by the characters at the end, while still finishing the story and letting us know it’s time to move on.