Friday, March 15, 2013

Shades of Earth (Across the Universe #3) - Beth Revis

Review: Shades of Earth
Author: Beth Revis
Rating: 5/5
Genre: sci-fi, dystopia
Recommend To: fans of Incarnate, fans of spacey books

A little spoilery but nothing horrible. Although don't risk it if your reading it soon. And not until you've read the first two. Because come on people, you don't want to ruin these books for yourselves. 

This is one of my favorite science-fiction dystopia series ever. Absolutely. I can think of a million hyped up novels (not naming any) and this trumps them all in everything. In fact, it's so real, its terrifying.

The Plot: There is just so much tension. I can't even try to explain the intricacies of the plot without giving away all the plot-twists. The obvious ones, yeah you could see them coming, the non-obvious ones....."what the heck just happened?!" is the reaction. It's also such a satisfying ending. The story really didn't smush together and end. It wasn't a quick last minute wrap up. It was well-thought out and all the pieces finally fit together. The mysteries of phydus and the monsters are finally solved. It is really truly incredible and never loses momentum. I could go into depth about all the birds, the flowers, trees and *gasp* the betrayals! But really, it was just so brilliant. 

The Characters: These characters just have so much more depth than before. Honestly, I felt as if I understood Amy and Elder even better as they started to grow into their real roles. Elder was making leaps and strides as a leader, and Amy really grew out of her naive Sol-Earth persona. Of course I missed others, and Beth Revis was completely unafraid to kill off her characters, but it all served a purpose. The new characters (yes the Frozens), angered me at times but they too became lovable, if a little confused about how life on the Godspeed really was. It's all right though. Conflict between characters is better than everyone being too happy. That would just be boring.

The Romance: We all know that Amy and Elder are totally soul mates right? The only question was does Amy love him because he's the only guy available, or because he's Elder? What do you think? I don't know, gosh, let's see what happens when we add a love triangle!.....No, but seriously that part was good too. Amy and Elder begin to realize what they really mean to each other on this planet full of new dangers, not all of them expected. And I hate love triangles. But when they work...they work.

The Style: Can I just say, this book had me under the covers quivering? Not because its a horror book, but because trying to predict what's horrible thing will happen to the beloved characters is a horror. The last two books I missed Sol-Earth so badly...and I live here. Amy's pain was so real. I really didn't think anything could be worse, but my god, the mysterious monsters, and gen mod material, and the *shhh* abandoned colony. It was all doubling the creepy planet factor with every description. 

Overall: One of the most satisfying series I have ever had the fortune to read. Nothing was rushed or badly written. Everything had a place and a time. Every betrayal, death, sacrifice, reveal and kiss was perfectly placed. And it completely drew me in and refused to let me go until the last word, and it will do the same to you. 

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