Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Crown of Midnight (Throne of Glass #2) - Sarah J. Maas

Review: Crown of Midnight
Series: Throne of Glass (#2)
Author: Sarah J. Maas
Rating: ★★★★
Genre: fantasy

AHAHAHAHA *maniacal laughter* I am in love with this book. SO MUCH IN LOVE. I mean Throne of Glass was great but this shattered everything into pieces and left me with my jaw hanging open. And there are still four more books. 

So much happened but I can sense how much more is coming. It's all centered on an extraordinary storm named Celaena Sardothien. Also known as, Adarlan's Assassin who will kick your butt and look gorgeous while doing it. It's been a while since I've enjoyed reading a female character so much. Many main characters come off as very irritating and while Celaena is very vain, she's hilarious and downright scary. At first, I was confused. Why was this silly, pretentious, pretty girl named Adarlan's Assassin? She doesn't do anything but read, buy clothing and preen. But oh my god, she can kick butt. In this book, she becomes a force of nature.

Everything was fast, fever pitched, and incredible. The original structure of Throne of Glass was pretty good fantasy, lots of magic, crumbling kingdoms, etc. Nothing extraordinarily special, but still good. This kicked everything to the side and slammed the door open on some really unbelievable fantasy. There were some obvious plot twists, but there was a lot of other interesting stuff that I did not expect. Everything balanced really well, and it was just so gripping.

One of the good things about this book is that the romance is not necessary - but it sure makes it more fun to read. There is a minor love triangle, but there is also a part where Celaena blows everybody off, and just goes and does her own thing. Like "I AM A STRONG INDEPENDENT FEMALE WHO LIKES TO SHOP AND MURDER PEOPLE. FEAR ME AND LET ME EAT CHOCOLATE CAKE IN PEACE." Literally the greatest thing. Yeah Chaol is sexy and beautiful, and Dorian gets pretty interesting too. But Celaena takes center stage, and we begin to learn about her mysterious past *hint, hint.*

So now we have amazing characters, a fast fantasy plot, sexy romance, and what am I missing? interesting villainous group! Theres Baba Yellowlegs, the King, and a whole host of other interesting, twisted people. Even Celaena herself walks the line pretty closely. The whole thing is getting bigger and bigger, and there are a lot of new elements involved. Plus, Maas is not afraid to kill people, and have a lot of action occurring. So much happens, but she doesn't skip a beat. 

I found myself holding on for dear life for most of the book, and I may have fallen out of my seat at various intervals. It's by far one of the best upcoming YA series, and I am eagerly awaiting the next installment. I suggest you read it soon, and enjoy the rush. 

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